"Autisme anders bekeken - Addendum voor artsen en gezondheidsprofessionals" NL
[Dutch language]
Autism was long considered a mysterious brain disease that was genetically determined and that could no longer be changed. It is now known that autism is not a 'brain disease', but that the brain works differently because various body functions are disrupted.
To restore this to optimal health, a total approach is needed, with a healthy diet, more exercise, reducing stress, supplementing nutritional deficiencies and special supplements to compensate for genetic defects or increased needs as key factors.
If all dysregulated bodily functions are addressed, their impact on personal and social life can be greatly limited. This is explained in detail in the basic book "Autism viewed differently. How nutrition and lifestyle can make a difference in ASD".
People with autism usually have a genetically increased need for certain nutrients that cannot be met with healthy food alone. Correcting genetic deficiencies can effectively improve core symptoms.
This Addendum for doctors and healthcare providers offers extensive scientifically substantiated insight into the most important nutrients that can be used for autism, their mechanisms of action, which forms work best and what you need to take into account for optimal effectiveness. With this information you can guide each patient individually towards better physical, mental and emotional health.