"Autisme anders bekeken" NL
[Dutch language]
If you have this book in your hands, you may be familiar with autism. Your child or someone close to you may have been diagnosed. Perhaps you yourself have characteristics of autism.
This book can help tackle autism at its core. You can do a lot yourself to reverse or significantly improve the overall clinical picture. If you get it right, spectacular changes are sometimes possible.
This book contains all the information you need to adjust your diet, exercise enough, reduce stress, supplement nutritional deficiencies and make your genes healthy(er) again. It offers you all the pieces of the puzzle, so you can form the complete picture.
The knowledge disclosed here is based on scientific research and insights, and on the experience of doctors and therapists. You will gain insight into what goes wrong in the body, what impact it has on the brain, and especially what you can do about it.
This book is your guide and compass to the best possible physical, mental and emotional health.